What have the Monarch Butterfly designs to do with the law of attraction?

On a blue skied summer morning in the first week of January, while driving to the market, our family car broke down. A single event that set a burst of inspired action in motion. Naturally forgetting the part of being a major inconvenience to all parties.
During this time, of the year customary many small businesses are on their yearly vacation. Businesses are often closed for one or more weeks. As it turned out our mechanic had a break of two weeks. In consequence a mind boggling long week needed bridging without a car. Luckily a friend lived close by who offered help. She lent her car on Sunday to take the trip to the local market and thus resolved our transport dilemma.
After returning the car, I crossed the neighborhood school ground on my way home. Routinely I would have followed the path along the fence. This time differed. Responding to an inkling I wandered past the classroom entrances.
Discovery of a School Study Project
Guess what, the flower patches lining the classroom windows were dedicated to? Of course a study project monitoring the life cycle of Monarch Butterflies.
For this reason, milkweed bushes pushed through throughout the beds to attract these beautiful winged insects. In New Zealand, milkweed commonly goes by the name swan plant in reference to the swan neck-like bending of the leaves. On this delightful morning Monarch caterpillars with their eye-catching markings in black, yellow, and white proved the students’ intention altogether successful.
Passing butterflies spotted the bushes and laid their eggs for breeding. Now larvae competed hungrily in munching leaves, blossoms, and seed balls. Where clusters of caterpillars feasted the bushes looked bare.
Testing the possibilities of the smartphone camera I was able to capture different morphing stages. Follow-up visits over the next fortnight allowed to capture caterpillars and their hook-like meditative stage before cocooning. The fully cocooned chrysalises changed their colors over the next 14 days from bright apple green to a very dark brownish green. An unmistakable sign that the time was closing for the butterfly to hatch.
This short clip shows a freshly hatched Monarch Butterfly stretching his wings.
Inspired Action by Hatching Monarch Butterfly Designs
As creative souls, we are always on the lookout for new design inspirations. Therefore turned this stroll off the routine track into a blessing that unleashed ideas for original designs. For weeks every available second new ideas surfaced and translated subsequently into surface pattern designs. The frenzy then reached a pinnacle in forming strategies to spread the word about the new Monarch Butterfly designs.
Surprisingly, by the time our mechanic re-opened his garage and examined the motor he could not detect anything. All test driving and examining did not return a clue as to what could have caused the motor malfunction. Since this incident, the car drives reliably.
Consequently, after reading ‘The Secret’, some years back, I turned into a strong believer of the law of attraction. For this reason, I take it as such and am happy about the creative phase the incident prompted. Up to this stage, five beautiful summer designs are the result and more are in development.