Interior decoration for this airy city loft is in soft blues and greens. And with this, achieve a calming and distancing effect from the hustle and bustle of busy city streets.

Here in our example, an airy apartment space high above the city serves as a creative playground. Light hues and round shapes support an impression of softness and a state of flowing. The chosen print for blankets and pillows consists of monochromatic round shapes. That reflects the abstracts of an unfurling fern frond.
Notable, for this design, it allows for color customization. Choosing your background color in the print design can take on any shade and return a monochrome pattern. The pattern creation is a graphic translation to an unfurling fern frond.
With attention to a calming effect, the selected art print to decorate the loft wall is ‘Taranaki 3, by Michael Smither.
Smither is a contemporary New Zealand artist who perfectly preserved the iconic sight. Mount Taranaki captured on a beautiful and cloudless day against a deep blue sky. Taranaki 3 describes a single hill in otherwise flat surroundings. Which in itself is a must to stop a wandering eye. Mount Taranaki is also known as Mount Egmont.
Altogether, it is a simplistic yet powerful composition. Paintings by the artist shine in their minimalist appearance, stripped off by all clutter to focus on what matters.
For instructions about revising the fill color in the home accessories for the airy city loft, please follow the link: desktop devices or mobile devices. If you require hands-on help, product expansion or you would like a custom design contact us directly on Telegram
At KBM D3signs, we love feedback, so please feel free to post your color and decor idea.